Youth to First Team

On Monday of last week saw the Chelsea Under-19s retain the UEFA Youth League title with a finals weekend that demonstrated that this side has determination and professionalism in abundance. The final started off well for the holders with Fikayo Tomori putting Chelsea in front after 10 minutes, minutes later Bradley Collins, Chelsea’s goalkeeper, saved... Continue Reading →

‘Ticket pricing has to relate to the working class income and the family commitments…’

In recent weekends, supporters from every top-flight team and many in the Championship and beyond have put aside their loyalties and held aloft banners that said ‘Twenty’s Plenty’. Harry Buckley investigates The Football Supporter’s Federation launched a campaign called ‘Twenty’s Plenty’ for away tickets in January 2013. The campaign called upon football clubs at all... Continue Reading →

‘At 16 my dad put me on a level 1 football-coaching course and I loved it…’

In recent times, there has been a widespread call for more young coaches to come into the football scene. But why is there a lack of young coaches? Harry Buckley investigates Harry Butler’s experience of becoming a football coach is somewhat systematic of the football system. A very good footballer himself who had been at... Continue Reading →

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